
In the unlikely event that you have received a faulty item, please contact us immediately. Please do not return any damaged goods before getting in touch with a member of our support team.


We are happy to accept a return request within 30 days of the purchase date however you will be responsible for the shipping fees. Evlv Apparel is not responsible for return packages should they not reach us, so please retain your proof of postage. Returns are processed within 5 business days of being received at our warehouse and once your return has been processed you will be sent an email confirmation. We do not process exchanges but can provide either a store credit or refund for the item/s returned.


To ensure a smooth return process, please inspect your product as soon as it arrives. Before removing any tags/factory tape and before wearing it check the condition of the item and decide if you're happy with it.


* Please note we do not offer exchanges or refunds on SALE items. Once the tags have been removed, Evlv Apparel will not accept the returned item.